If you have ever installed solar panels or if you have any intention of installing solar panels, then you must have heard the word tier. Basically, tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 solar panels are graded by companies. These ratings are not based on the type of solar panels like Mono, Poli, Half-cut, Thin film, etc. These ratings are based on the rating of the solar panel manufacturer. This rating is based on the financial report of multiple institutions like Bloomberg.
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What Is Bloomberg
The top of the line is the rating of Bloomberg’s finance department. The rating of Bloomberg’s finance department is used by multiple banks. Banks decide on this basis how to finance the solar panel company and how much loan they have to give. On this basis, they decide what is the financial strength of the company they are financing. So, we get to know that the rating of tier 1 is directly related to financial matters.
What does Tier 1 Represent
The higher the financial strength of the company, the higher the rating of the solar panel company. This has nothing to do with quality. There are many solar panels companies whose quality is very good and they do not come in tier 1. Because their sales are not that good.
Quality vs Tier 1
I know many solar panels companies which do not come in the rating of tier 1, but they are very good solar panels companies.
For example, A.E. Solar or Nick Bogreen. They make very good solar panels, but they do not come in tier 1. Because their financial stability is not that good. Or let’s talk about Ido Solar. Its financial stability is not that good, but its quality is very good. Similarly, on the other hand, Jinko Solar and Canadian Solar come in tier 1.
To come in tier 1, it is necessary to be financially stable. But in some way or the other, financial stability is related to quality. If you are not very technical and you do not have much information about solar panels, then you have this direct matrix to select a solar panel company.
If it is a tier 1 company, then obviously, if its financial strength is better, then its quality will also be better. So,
- if you do not know much details, then you can select any brand of tier 1.
- if you know the technical knowledge and know the data sheet of the solar panel, and know how to read it.
Then you can judge by looking at its characteristics and performance of the solar panel that which company is offering you a better panel and which company is offering a lighter panel. Tier 1 grading or listing comes 4 times a year. So, tier 1 is related to solar panel company.