300 Watt Solar System For Home

A 300-watt solar system offers a compact yet effective solution for powering essential appliances and devices in a small home or off-grid setting. Consisting of solar panels, a charge controller, battery bank, inverter, wiring, and mounting hardware, this system harnesses sunlight to generate electricity.

300 Watt Solar System For Home

The solar panels, typically totaling 300 watts in capacity, capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. A charge controller regulates this power flow, preventing overcharging of the battery bank, which stores excess energy for use during periods of low sunlight, such as at night. I will tell you that to design a 300W system, 300W means like a normal house, small, which has two rooms.

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Energy Requirements Calculation

So, to make a 300W system, first of all, let’s see what things we can run in it.

So I do two fans here, two energy savers, one tube light and one LED TV. Now one fan is friends of 80W, then two fans will be of your 160W. Similarly, one energy saver of 25W, then two energy savers will be of 50W. One tube light is a 36W rod, we keep it at 40W. And the LED TV is about 30 to 50W, so we keep it here. Instead of LED TV, you can also have a normal computer.

Or if you turn off one fan, then you can run any 100W thing of the same power in return. So in this way, friends, the total power you get is about 300W. That is, all these things can run easily in 300W. So now, friends, to run all these things, we will need a total of three things.


That is, we have to calculate three things. In which, first of all, we have to find out that how many watts do we need UPS or Inverter and which one. On the second number, we are finding out the size of the battery, that is, how many ampere hours of battery we will need here. And apart from this, how many solar plates do we need and which one. Because you know that three types are more famous, 150W, 250W, 300W.

How many solar plates do you need and which one. So first of all, let’s talk about UPS or Inverter. So friends, to run this 300W, you will need at least 500W UPS or Inverter. But friends, I will give you advice that instead of making a 500W UPS or purchasing it, keeping in mind the future extension, you should purchase at least 800W or 1000W UPS from an automatic company like HomeAge.

So that if you have to increase the load in the future or install more plates, then you don’t have to buy a new UPS. Automatic UPS like HomeAge, UPS, etc. have a multiprotection system. Like overcharge protection, overcurrent protection, short-circuit protection. So friends, to run a 300W load, you can purchase any company’s UPS or inverter of any value between 500W and 1000W. So this is about UPS or Inverter.

Calculate Battery Size

After that, let’s talk about the size of the battery. So friends, we know that the formula for power is voltage multiplied by current.

P is equal to V into I.

Number 1:

i.e. friends, this means that we need a 12V battery that can run and drive this 300W power. So from here, you will get the current of that battery. So when this 12 goes below 300 and is divided, then you will get this answer. 25A means that to run this 300W load, if your 12V battery gives at least 25A, then this load will run.

Number 2:

i.e. the battery will have to give 25A at all times. Now let’s calculate the size of the battery. So now the formula to calculate the size of the battery is W into H divided by voltage. i.e. friends, the total wattage of your load will be the backup time of the battery in hours.

Number 3

i.e. the number of hours you want to take backup from it. Multiply it by the voltage of the battery and divide it by V. So you get the size of the battery in ampere hours. So here the total load we had to run was 300W multiplied by backup time in hours.

Number 4:

i.e. how many hours I want to run all this load from this battery. So I keep 8 hours here. Because you know that the sleeping time of people in our country is about 8 hours. On average, people sleep at about 11 at night and wake up at 7 in the morning. And the fortunate and great people of the world sleep early at night. They sleep at 9 and wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning at the time of prayer.

So in this way, it is only 8 hours. So I keep about 8 hours here. I have to run this 300W load for 8 hours. And we will divide it by the voltage of the battery, which is 12V. i.e. the battery is 12V. So this answer will come above 2400 and below it will come 12. So this will be divided by 200 ampere hours. This means that to run this 300W load, we will need a 200 ampere hour battery.

In 4 Hour Backup Case

But if I do this backup time instead of 8 hours, if I do 4 hours, i.e. I just want to take backup for 4 hours. So now see you will have this above, 1200 will come down, 12 and this will come total 100 ampere hours.

i.e. if you want to take a backup of less time, if you want to run this load for less time, then a 100 ampere hour battery will be enough for you.

And if you want to take a backup time of 6 hours instead of 4, then this 6 will be divided by 12, then your answer will come 150 ampere hours. So this means friends that the more time you want to take backup, the longer you turn on things, the bigger the size of the battery you will need. So now friends here is another thing, which battery do you want to buy now? Here if I tell you, there are 4 types of batteries available in our market.

Battery Types

300 Watt Solar System For Home

First of all is your acid battery, which we also call lead acid battery. Like AGS, Volta, Exide, Phonex and all such companies sell this battery. After that there is a dry battery like HomeAge, EcoStar or Nirada batteries are very good. Their price is a little more than a normal acid battery.

After that there are gel batteries and the fourth type is tubular batteries, which are specially designed for the solar system.

So now which of these 4 batteries do you want to purchase?

So friends, my advice to you will be that if you can afford it, then you can install the tubular battery with your solar system.

Its backup time is very good. It is expensive in price, like you get a 200 ampere hour battery for about 24,000 rupees. But if you buy this 200 ampere hour lead acid battery, then you will get it for 12,000 to 13,000 rupees. So anyway, if you buy any battery of any brand, then try to choose either dry battery or tubular battery. Gel battery is also very good, you can also purchase that.

To Run 300 Watt System

So anyway, to run this 300 watt system, we will need a battery of at least 200 ampere hour, which at a time will give you a current of 25 ampere, which will run this 300 watt load. Now the next thing is how much current is required to charge this battery. So its formula is friends that the total capacity of the battery, its rating is one-tenth of that, which is used as its charging current. This means friends that if our battery is 200 ampere hour, then its tenth part, which is about 20 ampere, then 20 ampere current will be required to charge our battery at a time.

Similarly, if our battery is 100 ampere hour, then its tenth part, i.e. 10 ampere. If it is 150 ampere hour, then 15 ampere. After that, friends, let’s talk about solar plates, which solar plates do we need and how much do we need.

So this total comes, the answer we have 45 ampere, i.e. all the solar plates we have, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 2, the total current we have to give, we have to give 45 ampere, out of which 20 will go to charge the battery, and 25 will go to run that load. So the total current required for solar plates, friends, that is about 45 ampere.

Calculate Total Power of Solar Plates

Now from this we have to get the total power of solar plates. So to get the total power of solar plates, the same formula is that power is equal to voltage into current, i.e. V I. So the current that the solar plates have to give, that has to give about 45 ampere voltage.

The 150-watt plate, friends, is used in the 12-volt system, as we are using here, our battery is 12 volts. The 250-watt and 300-watt plate, friends, is used in the 24-volt system, or if you are making a 48-volt system, then in that. For such a small system, for 300 watts, you will have to make a 12-volt system, and for that you will need 150-watt plates.

Common Mistake

Some people make this mistake that their load is very low, it is 300-400 watts, but they bring a 250-watt or 325-watt plate for it. Now what is the problem in that? For this, you have to purchase a 150-watt plate.

The open-circuit voltage of a 150-watt plate, the open-circuit voltage is between 18 and 21, but when it is connected to the circuit, then its voltage does not remain 18 to 21, but it decreases. So I will put any value here, I will put 16, rather I will put 14 here, because one plate of 150 watts has to give 14 volts, because all the 150-watt plates will be connected in parallel, and after connecting in parallel, their overall voltage is 14, 15, or 16, whatever value you can put. And the total current is 45 amperes, so multiply 45 by 14, then you get 630 watts.

That is, all your solar plates have to give 630 watts together, then your 300-watt system will work.


So this answer comes to you, friends, 4.2, that means, that you need at least 4 solar panels, 150-watt ones, to run your entire 300-watt system, and these four solar panels of 150 watts together will generate a current of 45 amperes. It will generate a power of 630 watts, out of this 45 amperes, the 20 amperes will go to charge the battery, and the remaining 25 amperes will go to run the load.

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How to check if Panel is Original?

The most authentic way to verify originality of panel is to scan the bar-code on back of panel. If Panel is original then that bar code will direct you to company main website.

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